Appointments System
To make an appointment simply phone the surgery on 01226 743221 and select option 2 between 08:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday. Please stay on hold as future appointments may be available.
Please be prepared to give our staff information that will help them to make you the most suitable appointment.
Nurse appointments are all bookable in advance.

Booking Online
A selection of appointments are also available for booking online.
If you are interested in using this service please ask one of our receptionists for more details, or you can download the online services registration form at the bottom of this page.
Once completed and submitted, you will then be provided with the appropriate access codes and password after which you may follow the link at the top of this page to book your appointment online.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Appointments should not be booked under your name for another patient.
Choice of Practitioner
Patients are registered with the practice rather than individual GPs. However patients may request to be seen by a practitioner of their choice. Where a patient wishes to exercise this right, the patient may have to wait longer to see their preferred practitioner. The patient may be asked to accept an alternative if, for example, a service required is delivered by another professional member of the practice.
Call Recording
Calls to and from the surgery are recorded and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018, calls are recorded for monitoring, training and dispute resolution purposes.
Home Visits
Home visits are made daily to those patients the doctor feels are too ill or too immobile to come to the surgery. If you require a non urgent home visit please phone before 11am.
When requesting a visit be prepared to give the receptionist some information (describe your symptoms) as this will help the doctor to decide whether a home visit is necessary and to establish the urgency of your call. Please remember that the doctor can see several people at the surgery in the time it takes to drive to a patient's home.
Also, when visiting people at home, the doctor does not have the facilities which the surgery provides. Nevertheless, home visits are an important part of the health service and you should feel you can ask for a doctor's visit if you fee you need one.

Chaperone Policy
This practice is committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment and strives to achieve good practice at all times.
All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present during any consultation, examination or procedure. Clinicians at this practice will advise patients a chaperone is necessary during any intimate examination; this is to safeguard both the clinician and you, the patient.
Where a chaperone is not available, the clinician will ask you to make an appointment and request the presence of a chaperone at the time of booking.
All staff have received the appropriate training.
All staff within the practice fully understand their obligation to maintain confidentiality at all times.
Family and friends are not permitted to act as chaperones as they do not have the knowledge required nor have they had the necessary training.
Should you wish to see the full chaperone policy please ask to speak to the Practice Manager.
If you have any questions, please speak to the reception staff who will direct you to an appropriate member of the team.
Training Practice
Walderslade is a training practice for GPs. Dr Wastling is the trainer, with the support of the whole practice team. This means that we have qualified doctors ("GP Registrars") on 6 month placements in the practice while they improve and learn the specific skills they need to be a really good GP. They are closely supervised and have a number of formal assessments to complete.
You may be offered an appointment with one of the GP Registrars. Sometimes they may ask to video the consultation and sometimes another GP will be sitting in with them.
They are a valued part of our team at Walderslade and you can expect the same standard of care from them as from any of the other GPs.
We feel proud to be able to embrace the learning philosophy that their education provides and feel our patients benefit from their energy and enthusiasm. We welcome any feedback from patients on their performance.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment; this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted. Persistent defaulters may be removed from the list.